Tuesday, December 27, 2011

After Holidays Hangover

So hard to get motivated after the fun Christmas holiday!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It's a little over cast but nice out today - supposed to be a high of 70 tomorrow! So we just finished a run and here's Lucy doing her stretches (hey- 4.5 miles in the stroller isn't easy either;) and now getting to play in the driveway!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Another Hard Run

Lucy keeps passing out around the 2.5 mile mile marker.... At least I'm able to move her into bed so she gets the rest of her nap. Her taking a nap is good motivation for me to get out and hit the pavement everyday - since normally getting her to sleep is REAL struggle!

Christmas Tree Craft

Lucy's Stroller Strides play group craft this week was to make an edible Christmas Tree(t)! The ingredients included an ice cream cone coated in green frosting with m&m's and sprinkles as ornaments. Very fun and very tasty! Because it's a field house full of Moms I had a volunteer offer to hold Peej so I could really get down and play with Lucy. Fun! Her friend Teegan is shown below - I hate to say it but Lucy and she are thick as thieves and usually the loudest and sometimes the most trouble-making together! Good thing they're so cute!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Lucy brought this "art" project home from school. (This weeks shape is square and the color is brown.) When I asked what her picture was of, she answered "Brownies."

I kind of have had a wicked sweet tooth lately which has included baking a lot of brownies!! Oh well - New Years resolutions are just around the corner!

Hanging out

Lucy didn't get to watch TV until she was 2 years 2 months old... But just like a second child (I should know;) the rules are already bending. Here they are "watching" tv together snuggled on the couch.