Friday, March 30, 2012

Run Lucy Run

Lucy LOVES to run! Anywhere, anytime, any place you can here: "I running Mommy" or "Run Mommy Run"!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Smilely McPeej


Lucy had her first trip to the dentist yesterday! She fell very hard on Saturday at the skating rink. (Mind you - it was after a full morning of skating and the skates were already off!). At any rate - she hit her upper mouth and it loomed bad enough to take her in for her first visit. She ended up having a very bad bruised upper lip bone - but hopefully the tooth root was not damaged. If you ask Lucy now - she enjoyed the dentist and is a proud big girl for going. If you ask anyone who witnessed her trip they will tell you that it took two tries to get her in the chair - complete with one trip back to the waiting room to regroup and as to "not scare the other kids with her hysterics". She seriously screamed the ENTIRE time. Then got a sticker and new toothbrush and proclaimed "I like the dentist" once we were gone from the office and safely back in the car. My little challenge girl!

(Obviously no actual pictures of her in the chair because I was busy using both arms and my entire body to restrain her.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hair & Barrettes

Lucy has started wanted to do her own hair. I sure hope it stays up ok - she might have missed a strand....

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lucy & Peej's Mom

I ran my Shamrock Half Marathon this weekend! The race was right here in Virginia Beach. We started at the oceanfront and headed North through the navy base, Fort Story. Looped through there and headed back South to finish at the oceanfront. I forgot that my iPhone GPS runtracker would most likely get scrambled (and stop working) once I got on base - so I was a little lost as far as my pace and stuff. But I still managed to hover around a 10 min mile. Not bad... For a first try. ;) I might wait til Peej cooperates on sleep before attempting something so draining though. Recent sleepless nights and early run wake-ups have me pretty depleted!!

Here are a few photos of me & my running group! (A few of the ladies I train with are kind of amazing mother-runners including one who finished in the top 90 OVERALL with 7:30/mile.) Impressive group!

"The miracle is not that I finished but that I had the courage to start."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beach Life

I LOVE living at the beach this time of year! The beautiful warm (hot even) past few days have been so lovely!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cutest Little Mani-Pedi

Lucy is soooo excited about her nails that Mommy did for her yesterday!